
Blog migration!

I got sick of my blog and portfolio being on separate pages, and have since then fallen in love with Wordpress. So consider this blog dead; new content is all going to be at www.ogbog.net

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Oh Canada

Zoinks! After two weeks in Vancouver, I'm back in the states. Man, I had a blast. I worked on a project with UBC Fisheries (more to come later), followed by the Vancouver Game Jam.

I ended up on a team with James and Scott, and we made an awesome lil Unity game in 48 hours. One sleep break Friday night, followed by marathon production!

Hence, today I am taking it easy. But I still felt so jazzed about fast production that I felt like making some more stuff. So here's storyboards for an old pitch of mine, which I pumped out in about 2 hours this morning. Stay tuned for more content from my adventures in Vancouver!

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Some sketches

Chaka Khan...plus a conch shell. 


In a talk with the wizardly Tony Mullen at the December Seabug, he quipped that all drawing teachers ever say is "draw looser." I was drawing this rather nobbly antelope off of arkive.org and felt pretty stiff. So I kept drawing until it felt loose enough. Indeed, I'd say the second-to-last one ended up the best.

My cat Charlie. 

I've been playing with watercolor pencils on occasion.  


Drew a guy, then tried to stay on the single subject.

Character studies from Disney's Alice in Wonderland

I looked around on the internet for a fashion generator, with humorous results. Pity I can't recall the URL. 

More Disney studies, from the excellent http://andreasdeja.blogspot.com/



Baby New Year!

In homage to the inimitable J.C. Leyendecker, I made a Baby New Year illustration for our tumultuous 2012. The bad news is I put this off til the last day of 2011, but the good news is I'm getting faster! This took about an hour of doodling and compositing my doodles together, plus five hours of painting.

Here's to a great 2012! 

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Merry Christmas!

Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season this year! Here's my Christmas card, which warped into more of a comic strip than a card.

 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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October sketches

Yaaay! Finished this sketchbook in under 2 months, without resorting to unpolished unscannable gesture-binging.

Some credit for this completion deadline goes to Star Trek. I successfully watched Star Trek TNG in entirety over the last month or so, and I don't think I've ever had a show so good for multitask drawing.

Sketched a lot of lifeforms from photos this time around. I was going to http://www.arkive.org/random-species over and over again. Although I grumbled about it, I tried to draw the plants, coral reefs, fish and birds it threw at me over and over. In other words, the boring stuff. In retrospect, birds, fish and fish are more interesting than I thought. But mostly, plants are stupid. 

I dunno if it's "correct", but I like rendering fur in a specific way. Scribbling back and forth for fur doesn't look right, because you don't get wispy points with the fur. Similarly, repeated lines don't look as good, because it's hard to get a concise sense of border.

The hybrid is drawing a series of "U" strokes, where the start and end of the U create a wispy, feathery edge for fur and feathes. However, the inner border (the U bend) feels thick and materialized.

Lizards are one of my favorite things to draw. Their legs don't fold in a hinge motion. Instead they prop up on their legs and rotate to move them. As a result, their legs bulge with muscle in all the funnest places. Also, their feet (which don't function like springs ala mammals) have toes that point in slouchy rest poses. If a claw isn't digging into tree bark, it lays sideways on the nail. It makes them looks a little disheveled and  unplanted.

Uploaded in reverse; sketches at the top are the most recent. 

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Me Oscar! Me sketch!

Lots of animals and such. I think I was feeling self-conscious about my habit of heads, so there's a fair amount more "whole body" anatomical sketches. 

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