Just messing around before bed....I am fascinated with how the value process in a sketchbook (quick hatching/shading) can go faster and look better than the value process in photoshop (filling in value regions ala airbrush.) In other words, I want photoshop to feel more pencil like.
Seabug tomorrow! Come visit!
And my new game Knights Vs. Aliens is out! Go buy it! http://bit.ly/GetKvA
In case you forgot, my off-monthly Blender shindig is still going strong! The next Seabug (Seattle Blender User Group) is April 9th, and we'll be doing lots of fun stuff. Learn more and RSVP at the Seabug eventbrite page!
Check it out! I wrote up an article for BlenderArt Magazine on how to make tile-tastic naturalist 2D sprite environments. So nice to see your name in print :D